My Fandoms

Different stuff I like enough to continuously make fanart of, and what I like drawing from each in particular (so info about favorite characters or ships would count too).

Warrior Cats

One of my first internet obsessions. It'd be a huge understatement just to leave it at that though. Basically everytime I get a story idea, there's a big chance Warriors was an inspiration of some kind. I even have a whole universe just with my WCOCs. Even if I'm not obsessed with it anymore, it'll always hold a special place in my heart. My favorite character is Longtail and my favorite Clan is WindClan.

hey Arnold!

I feel like the moment I first saw this show years ago was the point of no return. Like I wasn't gonna forget this show no matter how hard I tried. It was always somewhat in the back of my head until I couldn't take it anymore and saw the rest of it . . . And ended up getting obsessed with it. My favorite characters are both Arnold and Helga, and I ship them too.

Back To The Future

I can't believe it took me 'til I was 15 years old to watch these movies. I had the whole trilogy on DVD even before then and just never watched it until recently. But I'm very late to the party anyway. I mean, it's turning 40 next year. My favorite character is Marty, but Doc Brown's pretty funny. I have yet to see the animated series, but I'd like to at some point just to give it a shot.


A more recent obsession. I've been rather quiet about liking this show, but I'd still like to make things of it in the future. If I were to summarize my thoughts on this show, I'd say it's the show I go to if I wanna feel sad or bittersweet while I laugh. My favorite character is Fry, and I ship him with Leela, and I think Amy and Kif are cute too. And Bender's funny too of course.

Other interests

Things I'm not really obsessed with, but still like a lot. Perhaps I'll make occasional fanart for these things, and maybe, just maybe, I'll get into these too (again if I haven't already).

South Park

South Park's one of those things that I kinda always liked. Even before the internet, I've been having mini phases of it. I used to make fanart for it on occasion, but I never particularly got along with the fandom, so if I make anything for it now, it'll be few and far between. I still like the show though, and my favorite character's Kyle.

The Lion King

This movie has always been a childhood favorite, as well as one of its spinoff shows, The Lion Guard. I loved the music and animation especially, so much so that I strived to draw like this too. My story CheetaHeart is also inspired by TLK in some way. I've never been in the fandom, but I've always been interested in what the fandom creates. Maybe someday I'll make something for it too.

Varjak Paw

Varjak Paw is a series of two books by S.F. Said. I learned about it from some Warriors fans who also liked these books, but it's not much like Warriors at all. I like it though, so maybe I'll make fanart of it in the future.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

I'm sure there's a sizeable portion of this fandom who are in it 'cause they watched it growing up, and I'm no different. I'm not in the fandom anymore and I never got into G5, but I still watch videos from the brony fandom from time to time. My favorite characters are Scootaloo, Pinkie Pie, and Starlight.